6 Steps to great Looking Skin
These simple health tweaks can work wonders on your complexion.
Increase your exercise
Regular workouts increase blood flow to your face. So the fitter you are, the more you hold back the clock.
Watch your weight
Going to either extreme does nothing for your complexion. A healthy weight and a balanced diet will leave skin glowing.
Pop a supplement
Vitamin C helps to make strong blood vessels and antioxidant vitamin E repairs skin damage by the sun and environment.
Go to sleep
Poor quality sleep triggers stress hormones that will make you look pale. Plus, it’s at night when your skin is able to regenerate and repair the day’s damage for a smoother complexion.
Quit bad habits
If you’re a smoker, you’re starving your skin of oxygen, which leads to thread veins and open pores – they both pile on years. The good news is that your skin will start to recover the moment you quit.
Kitchen cupboard face mask
Mash ¼ avocado with 1tsp olive oil for a quick face mask. Leave on for 5-10 minutes then rinse off for an instant glow boost.